Ever created your server on Discord?
Discord can support multiple channels and uncountable members on one server.
While having no cap on public membership certainly helps brands grow their audience, managing that audience is entirely another thing.
As a result, many struggle to monitor several channels, not to mention their member activities.
Enter Carl Bot.
Carl Bot makes it easy for you to control your channel’s activities and moderate members.
In this guide, I will tell you everything you need to know about Carl Bot.
Before I get started, I thought to share Discord’s background for those just familiarizing themselves with it as we speak.
Discord—A Social Platform
Discord is a social app similar to Slack, or Skype, but it offers slightly different functions customized to their target market.
For example, imagine online gamers who want to connect on a platform to talk about Fortnite. What type of platform would you envision for them? That was the thought behind Discord’s creation.
Discord was exclusively built for Gamers before it attracted social clubs, influencers, and ultimately brands. Now, it is slowly gaining popularity, and companies are using this social network for marketing.
Succulently put, Discord brings together like-minded people and provides them space to discuss their common interests.
With that covered, let’s move on to the Carl Bot and how it can help you effectively run your Discord server.
What is Carl Bot?
A Carl Bot is a digital handyman you add to your Discord server to manage menial tasks for you.
For example, you want to drop a message every time someone enters or leaves. Or you wish to keep the authority of banning members to yourself.
You can do both with a Carl Bot.
The bot essentially allows you to preset welcome messages, assign roles to selected members, give customized commands, log activities, and perform tons of other useful actions.
In other words, Carl Bot can save your time.
As a marketer, you can use this app to auto-set basic tasks, so it leaves you time to nurture your leads.
Now, Carl Bot might be slightly advanced than their other basic bots like Dyno. However, it offers some incredible automation features you’d definitely like.
I am going to share five of its core functions to get you started.
Five Major Features of Carl Bot
1. Auto-Role / Reaction Role Assigning
As a Discord server owner, you can delegate some of your control to any member by giving them certain roles in the community.
Carl Bot provides you with the option to assign roles based on emoji reactions. This action is called a reaction role.
Say you want to reward your active members by granting them certain privileges. You can set emojis as a trigger.
Now, anyone responding to a pink heart Emoji will be automatically assigned a fan role.
Reaction roles can be incredibly satisfying for both you and your audience. It lets your members feel like they’re an important part of your community and optimizes your time.
How to set up Reaction Roles
To create a reaction role, login to Carl Bot, click on the command tab displayed at the right-hand tunnel, go to the roles mentioned at the top panel, and turn on the reaction roles.
This action activates the reaction role option, and it will be immediately featured on the main panel.
Return to the main dashboard, select Reaction Roles, and click on the green button. A new window will appear exhibiting instructions to create a role.
Start assigning roles!
If you want to know more about it, check out this step-by-step guide. The author has shared a well-detailed explanation you can easily follow.
2. Custom Tags
Server owners use tags to either identify a role or call a command.
While typically, you get presets to make your navigation easy, Carl Bot allows you to create advanced custom commands not listed under the default template.
We call these commands custom Tags, and you’ll recognize them by curly brackets {}.
Custom tags come in handy when you’re planning an event and want action from your audience. You can use tags to create personalized messages and even build entire announcements.
They essentially help you engage your audience.
How to create Custom Tags
Custom tags are a little tricky to explain. Carl Bot needs a Tag script to interpret your command and a slight change in the language could alter the message you want to convey.
I came across this interesting video on YouTube, where the user explained how to create a donation command.
Take a look at it. It would give you a general idea of how to use custom tags.
3. Advance AutoMod
Carl Bot’s AutoMod has some remarkable features that help you in crowd control to prevent rules violations.
Through AutoMod, you can send a warning to the potential rule breaker, filter spam, kick out denigrates, mute the offensive members, and auto-delete abusive content.
Let me give you an example.
You are a toy brand, and one of your rules entails no explicit content.
Since it would be impossible to monitor every post, you can ban certain words instead. So anytime someone mentions Bad****, Carl Bot will automatically delete or defer the message as per your instructions.
AutoMod is extremely useful for brands hoping to keep their content clean. In fact, you’ll have so much control over the content you can even mute someone speaking in capital letters! Amazing, isn’t it?
How to create an AutoMod action
AutoMod feature is stored under the Moderation tab in the main right-hand panel.
Suppose you want to censor content.
Click on the AutoMod, scroll down to the Bad words window, and mention the words you prefer to ban. The form will give you the option to add multiple words and a suitable punishment for the offense.
Save the changes, and the Carl Bot will activate the action.
Here’s a list of actions you can take with AutoMod.
Scroll down to Spam Settings. Trust me. You’ll love the advanced features.
4. Activity Logging
Logging essentially means creating a record of any action taking place on the server. Who is invited, how many have joined within a month, what messages you have deleted, what has been updated. You get my point.
Carl Bot allows you to log everything in a separate channel. Furthermore, you can limit the number of people who can see the records.
As a marketer, you might often need to revisit the logs to measure your campaign performance. Through Carl Bot, you can set up a separate log channel for a particular event to analyze your campaign.
How to create a Log
To generate a log, you must create a channel first.
Once you have built a channel, say an event log, go to the logging tab displayed under the moderation section in the main panel.
Pick your channel from the drop-down list under the Channel Selection window and save it.
The moment you confirm the changes, the Carl Bot will start logging your activities.
You can also remove unnecessary channels in the “Ignore channels” tab. The option is available in the first form. Do check it out.
5. Preset Messages
Carl Bot allows you to preset welcome, farewell, and ban messages. This feature spares you from typing an entire greeting post every time a member joins the group.
As you preset the message, a welcome message will pop up anytime a member joins the server.
You can also customize your messages to suit your brand message through an Embed builder.
It is an advanced option that helps you add an avatar, embed images and GIFs, and personalize your message.
How to create a Welcome message
Log in through Carl Bot dashboard, select the welcome tab. It will open a new window displaying multiple boxes for the welcome message, member left message, and a ban message.
Fill in the description box, add tags, and save the changes.
You will also discover an embed builder under the description box to create a custom message.
You can either use the embed builder directly on the welcome message or access it from the main panel.
Using the embed builder from the main panel allows you to create and preview messages simultaneously. It’s an incredibly useful option that will save you from toggling back and forth merely to edit your message.
Here’s a video tutorial to learn more about preset messages.
How to Install Carl Bot
Carl Bot is easy to use once you get the hang of it. The below is the initial setup procedure to add the bot to your server.
1. To operate the Carl Bot, you must have a server for the bot to manage. You can both create a server or use an existing one. It’s up to you.
2. After you’ve chosen the server, sign in to the Carl Bot site. You can invite the bot to your server through the invite button mentioned at the top of the landing page or log in from the Carl Bot site.
3. Once you’re logged in, a pop-up window will appear asking for your chosen server, permissions, and authorization. As the steps are self-explanatory, you won’t encounter any trouble. As a thumb rule, allow all.
4. The authorization will direct you to Carl Bots’ dashboard.
That’s It!
Go ahead and build reaction roles, create channels, and set up moderation as you see fit. I am attaching Carl Bot’s setup documents here for your consideration.
Carl Bot offers some of the best automation features you’ll find on the market.
As you know, Discord is not what I would call a user-friendly platform. You’re simultaneously managing multiple servers, several channels, and individual conversations.
Carl Bot cuts down on your online time, allowing you to put all your focus on what’s important.
Do try Carl Bot to experience it yourself. Good luck!