As an entrepreneur, you need to stay up-to-date with the latest business trends and learn about new tactics. And one of the ways busy entrepreneurs can get this information is through podcasts.With them, you can listen to some helpful …
Для підприємців
Що таке сервісне обслуговування та як воно працює?
Drop servicing is a lucrative business idea for emerging entrepreneurs and professionals who are looking into budget-friendly online ventures.It’s an incredibly flexible business model that can be launched without any particular skill …
18 найкорисніших програм для підприємців і хастлерів
Entrepreneurs have a lot on their plates.Whether they're looking to expand their businesses, launch a new product line, or simply keep track of their current clients and employees, they have a lot going on at any given …
9 найкращих стратегій виходу для стартапів для виграшного виходу
When you get into a new building, do you know what’s the number one security measure you need to take?Checking the exits, in case of fire or any other accident.If you work at a workplace, you might also have had to participate in …
15 уроків, які підприємці можуть винести з спадкоємства HBO
Succession is a hit HBO show about the conflict between Roy's family and who will take over Logan Roy's company.And while this show is meant to entertain you rather than teach you, the show does teach you some great rules about …
15 найкращих імпортерів звукозаписних послуг і платформ
Importer of Record helps businesses trade their goods globally.It’s a hassle-free option for companies that want to ship their product overseas but don’t have in-country representatives to deal with paperwork and customs.With an …
10 практичних порад щодо продуктивності для підприємців
Whether you're a founder or a team member (I don't use the word employee), hustling in the startup environment can become quite counter-productive.This post is a direct result of my experience with one such startup project and its …
Як керувати стресом як підприємець
“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.” - William James I have met many entrepreneurs of small to large-scale companies. Stress is the most common thing I find among all of them.The …
10 навичок прийняття рішень, якими повинні володіти підприємці
Ever wondered, how many conscious decisions do we make every day?Around 35,000. The number may seem a bit overwhelming for the average decisive adult. However, a huge part of it is trivial or ends up with no result. Some of them are …