AI calendar apps improve your work efficiency.They automatically schedule and rearrange events based on your work habits, picking the best time for tasks, meetings, and personal chores for you.Whether you’re a manager struggling to …
time management
Rize Review – Smart Time Tracker to Form Better Work Habits
According to an article by Inc., the average worker is only productive for 3 hours out of an 8-hour workday. The rest of the time is spent on things like checking email, browsing the internet, and taking breaks. If you feel like you're …
12 Best Email Productivity Apps and Tools
People, on average, spend 28% of their time on emails.Every time you receive notifications, you feel the urge to check your mail, breaking your concentration from work.And the worse thing is a major portion of those messages often …
15 Best Scheduling Apps For ADHD Brains to Stay On Track
Having ADHD can make it impossible to stay on top of your schedule and manage your time effectively. The struggle is all too real when it comes to: Prioritizing what needs to get done each day (and not biting off more than you can …
How to Get Started with Time Blocking – The Complete Guide
A day in the life of an ordinary man typically follows an almost ritualistic pattern-Eight hours of sleep. Half-day at work. Rush over meals.Quality time with the family, and the rest of the day fretting over the never-ending chores …
15 Best Time Tracking Apps, Tools & Software
It was only a matter of time before the robots took over.At least, that’s what many people thought when they heard about the latest advancements in artificial intelligence.But as it turns out, the robots are actually taking …
12 Best Habit Tracking Apps to Help You Achieve Your Goals
Can’t seem to stick to a new routine?That’s because behavior change takes approx 66 days to fully establish, and you’d need a great deal of patience to remain consistent over that long period of time.To stay motivated, I suggest …
Google Tasks vs Sunsama: Why You Probably Need Both
Many productivity tools are designed to make you feel good about being unproductive.You know what I'm talking about. That endless list of shit you need to do but never actually do. That digital graveyard of good intentions that just …
25 Best Productivity Apps of The Year (Categorized)
We are all looking for ways to be more productive.To get more done in less time. To have a better work-life balance. And to feel less stressed.There are plenty of ways to accomplish this, but one of the best is to use productivity …